Category: Uncategorized

  • 故事套 Story Set Lists

    下载故事集 Download Story Set Lists (PDF) 7 Commands of Christ耶稣的七个命令 Repent & Believe – Command: Mark 1:15 | Story: Luke 7:36-50 (Sinful Woman) Be Baptized – Command-Matthew 28:19 | Story: Acts 8:26-39 (Philip & Ethiopian Official) Pray – Command: Matthew 6:9-13 | Story: Matthew 6:9-13 (Jesus Teaches About Prayer) Go…Make Disciples – Command: Matthew 28:19-20 | Story: John 4:4-42…

  • 培训培训者的小组方式 Training Trainers Small Group Bible Study Process (T4T)

    下载培训培訓者的小组方式 Download T4T Small Group Bible Study Process (PDF) Introduction 介绍 Introductory Scripture 示范经文 Have someone in the group read 2 Timothy 2:2. 请大家读出提摩太后书2: 2。 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” “你在许多见证人面前听见我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导別人的人。” How many generations of disciples…

  • 对福音的四种回应 Four Responses to the Gospel

    下载对福音的四种回应 Download Four Responses to the Gospel (PDF) Introductory Discussion 开场讨论 In small groups, have the trainees discuss these questions. 分组后让受训者讨论下面的问题。 When sharing the Gospel with someone, have you ever had someone believe immediately? Have you ever been completely rejected? Have you ever been in the situation where you didn’t know whether the person was…

  • 创世到耶稣 Creation to Christ

    下载创世到耶稣(万物有灵主义者版本) Download Creation to Christ for Animists (PDF) Introduction and Review 介绍和复习 Before we get into sharing the Gospel with someone, let’s review the process we are using. We’ve already talked about some simple tools and strategies to filter for spiritually sensitive people, who are open to discussing deeper things. 在与他人分享福音之前,让我们回顾一下我们所学到的。我们已经讨论了一些简单的工具和策略,以筛选对属灵交流有兴趣、愿意讨论更深层次的事情的人。 What kind of person…

  • 四 一一 4-1-1

    Video of Three Circles in Chinese 用汉语分享3个圈的视频

  • 示马声明 Shema Statements

    下载示马声明 Download Shema Statements (PDF) Introduction 介绍 In this session we are going to discuss what it means to have a “shema lifestyle” and use “shema statements” in our daily conversations. Shema statements are short, intentional statements that are intended to reveal to those around us that we are spiritual people. They can be used…

  • 寻找和平之子 Finding People of Peace

    下载寻找和平之子 Download Finding People of Peace (PDF) Introduction 介绍 Jesus plan to reach the lost is found by looking at his own approach in reaching the lost (Mark 1:14-20, 35-39; Matthew 9:35-10:4), the manner in which he sent the twelve to reach the lost (Matt. 10:1-11:1; Lk. 9:1-6; Mk. 6:6b-13) and the manner in which…

  • 家族与关系网性传福音方式 Oikos

    下载 家族与关系网性传福音方式 Download Oikos (PDF) What is an Oikos? “Oikos” 是什么? From the beginning of creation to the present day, God demonstrated the pattern of revealing himself to one person, but it doesn’t stop there. He frequently uses that individual as a doorway of salvation to others in their sphere of influence. The New Testament…

  • 神的心 God’s Heart

    下载神的心 Download God’s Heart (PDF) Introduction 介绍 The foundation upon which any church planting ministry strategy must be built is on God’s heart for the people whom He loves and created. This brief session is typically illustrated above the Four Fields diagram that will be described in the next session. Allow it to serve as…